Monday, June 30, 2008

FR: Let me see you do the Jane Fonda

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Approach Update

So just a quick update on my approaching. Much like the person who decides on Jan 1st to lose 30 lbs, only to end up back on the couch getting fat by Jan 15th, I made an unrealistic goal. In fact, I think the goal made my AA significantly worse. So I’m revising. I’m going to do this gradually.

New Goal:
Starting today…..I will approach at least 1 woman a day through the end of the month. That’s it.

I think this will help me keep the momentum from this weeks program and will get me approaching every day so the weekends don’t seem like such a Herculean effort.


Review: Sinn (featuring Moxie) on Getting Attraction Off the Opener

Sinn came to town with Moxie of Love Systems and spoke about getting attraction off the opener. They lectured for about 2 hours, we did some exercises and then 6 of us went out on the Sunset Strip with them (and Johnny Wolf) to practice on unsuspecting tourists.

First the lecture portion. The basic theme of this model of attraction is that there is a direct correlation between how much social pressure you can handle and how much attraction you get. The more difficult the situation (e.g. 6 guys and 1 girl) the more attraction you are going to get right off the bat. The idea is that you do something a little bit out there and it frames you as a fun, high value guy who doesn’t give a fuck. Moxie called this “Hollywood Attraction” – living your life like a movie (yes..if that movie is Borat). The guys talked about this new, quick way to get attraction and gave some good openers / examples. I also really liked Sinn’s tips for reducing AA. Basically he gave a few mental constructs that I found pretty helpful. In a nutshell, this method builds on principles most attributed to RSD, things like the Apocalypse opener and Tyler’s idea of self-amusement, and also on Brad P’s Blow Me of Blow Me Out concept.

Next up was the field portion. And what better place to do than the PUA mecca ….Saddle Ranch. I can think of a few places I would rather game than at Saddle Ranch. A Turkish prison. My grandmother’s nursing home. A leper colony. The place is fucking disgusting. It would have to get a lot classier to qualify as bridge and tunnel.

Anyway we were tasked with doing 8 exercises. I won’t give away too much since I’m sure they’ll want to develop a course around this but basically think an edgier version of Brad P’s social freedom exercises. But the important distinction here is that those exercises are meant solely to help reduce Approach Anxiety. Most of the exercises that we did are actually designed to get attraction (although reducing your AA is an inevitable by-product). I’ll give away the one that I found most jarring and that was opening by kissing a girl on the shoulder (which I did twice). After you do, you have to just not crack up (I failed that part) and you can start qualifying. I watched another student do this in a huge mixed set and the girl exploded with attraction. If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it. These guys are definitely on to something…..

Overall the program was a great value and extremely useful to me personally. I’ve been suffering unusually high AA lately and this will undoubtedly help ameliorate that. But I think the most important thing I learned is that we all learn these rules and do’s and don’ts (especially don’ts) but that can all be trumped by just having giant balls. Huge, brass, swinging, clanking balls.

Oh my one complaint….had nothing to do with the program. While giving another student a ride I got pulled over by the cops. I didn’t notice the valet hadn’t turned on my headlights. They actually pull us out of the car and searched us and the other student is carrying a knife! WTF? It’s like a giant swiss army / fishing knife. LAPD + Daniel Boone over here carrying a concealed weapon = Xander watching his life flash before his eyes. I know Saddle Ranch is supposed to be a country western bar but that doesn’t mean we’ll be gutting salmon. I told the cop the truth…that we were Pick Up training at Saddle Ranch and he found it amusing enough that he (thankfully) let us go. Close fucking call!