Monday, September 15, 2008

FR: Defeat snatched from the seemingly imminent hands of victory

Haven’t updated in awhile….I’ve been a little lazy and tried to stay off the computer. Couple of stories for you…here’s the first.

Two weeks ago we decide to go PUA old-school and head to The Standard in Hollywood. Not a big fan of the venue but it’ll do in a pinch. We are 3 guys so we go super early. So early in fact that we are literally the first ones there. Shortly thereafter a 3 set and a 2 set of girls arrive separately. I walk across and open the 2 set. Set is going well, nothing spectacular, wing comes in and takes the less attractive of the 2. I’m in with the other; we’ll call her Bobby Fisher. She’s a hottie; really sexy and a little taller than me…A dancer, just graduated from Berkley, studying for the LSAT. Moved her around the venue, lots of touching. A brief kiss. Then an almost kiss (credit Sinn). Probably did these out of order but whatever it didn’t matter she was super into me. I run Strawberry Fields (she said 20…nice). She follows up with a game of her own.

1. What’s you favorite color? (My answer: Royal Purple)
2. You are driving a stick shift car. What kind is it? (Audi)
3. I forget the 3rd question.

She tells me that the answers basically mean I am a freak. Her cold read is unconvincing (although accurate). We go to pull them home. They leave the club with us and the 4 of us walk across the street to my car. As I’m handing the ticket to the valet they are starting to have some doubts. The less attractive girl is visiting from out of town and might be able to charge a room at The Standard to her company. My wing suggests we do that. They are still conferring. I tell them I don’t live far, maybe 15 minutes. They decide they want to go back into the club because “it’s still early” (it’s about 12am). Crap. Why do girls have to ruin a good time by thinking?

Side bar: It’s funny that thinking is not something most of the girls I meet engage in very much. Yet at the point of pulling her home / going in to my room / pulling off her jeans she becomes Immanuel Fucking Kant and starts questioning things. All night you’ve had the attention span of a goldfish and now you are starting to think about things? Ugh. I wonder what goes through a girl’s mind. How well do I know this guy? Does he have an STD? Does he spend 90% of his free time studying how to pickup women? I really wonder. Usually what works best is distracting them with a story or a shiny object. I digress….

Back in the club. Bobby Fisher is giving me a lap dance while AFC’s (and a 60 year old woman) look on. The older woman is both annoying me by distracting my girl and arousing me by watching. It reminds me of when grandma watched me lose my virginity. :) jk. She just high-fived me the next day.

Bobby Fisher has to use the restroom, I do too. Walk to the back, I grab her, pin her against the wall and kiss, then walk off (solo) into the restroom. End of the night comes, she says they are leaving and kisses me goodbye. Number exchange. 2:10 AM comes. She calls. “At the comedy store, come by”. Swing by. She’s outside smoking a cigarette and drunkenly flirting with some guy. Goddamnit. We take off.

3:00am. I get home. She calls again. She is with her friend, eating at Mel’s dinner and wants to know what I’m doing. I tell her I’m at home. I tell her I will talk to her soon. 10 min later she texts:
“I want to be with you ”I text back to cab it to my place. She says ok and asks for the address. Around 4am she texts “We can’t find your place. We are lost and we want you. Direct us”. I call and give her directions. They are only about 5 minutes away. 4:15……4:20…..I call twice. No answer. I text “Lost?” No answer. Blast! Pass out on my couch at 4:30.

Checked my phone in the morning. Nothing. I text her with something like “Sorry I passed out on the couch right after I spoke with you. Did you guys make it home in one piece?”
We’ve texted and played a little phone tag. Oh and found out from my wing….Bobby Fisher, despite being a Berkley grad, is only 20. :)

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