Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm having a relapse

I get these panic attacks / pop a Xanex relax
Trying to stick my fuckin’ dick inside a mannequin’s ass

Ah with those immortal words my favorite rapper of all time returned after a 5 year absence. And so inspired by those words and my resurgent interest into all things vagina, I’ve decided to reboot my blog.

I’ve had an interesting 8 months since my last post. I was laid off in Dec. and remain unemployed. My persistent health problems got significantly worse but then resolved after moving apartments. In true LA pickup artist fashion, I live just above the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood now.

I also took a Love Systems bootcamp with Cajun and Tenmagnet. They said positive things about my game and watching them made me feel pretty good about where I am. They’re great at what they do, no doubt about it though. But I think I’m 90% there.

So stay tuned kiddies for some entertaining stories of me trying to bump fuzzies with the women of LA…...


1 comment:

Michael Newman said...

'bout goddamn time! lets go out this week...