Monday, April 28, 2008

No Country for Chode Men

Let me ask you something. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?” - Anton

Today marks the beginning of a journey. A challenge really. Yesterday marked exactly 4 months until my 30th birthday. Overall I’m happy with where I am in life – great career, great friends, great lifestyle – and overall a content and comfortable existence. But content and comfortable are not admirable values. I’ve been going through the motions of this thing… this heart-breaking, confusing, difficult dance that we men and women play and while I know every theory, every contingency, ever method and means of proper technique, I can’t implement them with any type of consistency.

Tony Robbins says knowledge is not power. Knowledge is potential. Action is power. Besides having big teeth, he’s right! It’s time for that action. It’s time to go through the “pain period”. It’s time to rise to the occasion. I’ve had some success but I feel I’ve regressed lately and have been feeling frustrated….defeated even. That’s not who I am. I’m not a quitter. I don’t shirk from challenges. Something drastic has to change.

But most of all I’m tired of that feeling. That little feeling of defeat. The thought process is all the same. There she is. I want her. I’m already thinking of the two us. Glistening in sweat, faces illuminated by candlelight. Hair, hands and heavy breathing. There she is. I should approach her. Then the fear creeps in. The familiar illusion. The seedlings of doubt. What do I say? What if she ignores me? What if she gets creeped out? What if someone sees me? What if? The two ugliest words in the English language. And now she’s gone. And neither of us will ever know. And there is that feeling. That pang. That little death. That feeling of losing what you never had. That feeling of compromising yourself.

No mas

Here is my challenge:
I’ve done 200-300 approaches since I started in this game. Unacceptable.
Starting today
50 approaches a week
16 weeks

~1000 total approaches before my 30th birthday.

I’ll be writing in my personal journal for all the details and insights. But in this space I will (hopefully) amuse and entertain you with the best, and the worst, from my journey.

50 approaches a week
16 weeks

Join me on the adventure. It’s going to be fun.


AlonzoPUA said...

I do not understand this Tactical Reduction. What is wrong with just being yourself? Be confident and "put yourself out there" and soon enough you will get lucky. Maybe do the Armenian/Afghan equivalent of J-Date. .. You 'Pick Up Artists' are such losers.

ElGuapo81 said...

seriously, I agree just tell a girl that you love her. Bring her flowers on the first date, tell her that the only stars you see are the ones in her eyes. Ask her permission to leave a room. I also agree only fake insecure creepy people try to do anything other than what they've always done. You sound like someone who uses people to get what they want. How insincere...