Thursday, May 15, 2008

Update: Road to 1000 approaches

Well 2 weeks are in the bag and there’s good news and bad news
Bad news
- I’ve done 30 approaches - far less than my goal of 100 for the 2 weeks
- My attempt at day game was just about as successful as the release of Speed Racer and twice as painful to watch. The first hour I wandered around The Grove like a stray dog until I finally talked to someone….and it was Brad P who was working with a student. I finally opened 2 girls by asking for fashion advice. Day Game 1, Xander 0.
Good news
- 30 approaches is more than I’ve done in the preceding 3 months
- I have a week more than I thought so technically I’m only behind 20 approaches.
- Almost all my sets opened
- I’m still awesome

So looks like I’ve got some work to do. I’ll keep ya posted….


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